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SZR "ROMIKS" is a company whose business includes functional and organized industry sizes worked out, with unique operational and financial management and a shared, complementary infrastructure:

  • Acquisition and logistics (import, storage and distribution of glass)
  • Manipulation with glass (import, storage, processing and distribution)

  Head Office is in Competition, in the special, functional projected business complex of 300 m 2, situiranog in the South-Eastern area of the city, in which there are special containers for glass, car park, garage and all the necessary equipment and technical infrastructure.   Since its inception, the company records a steady development, consistently representing and implementing a policy of selective work only and great business. Today's BUSINESS "ROMIKS" flot importer-glass, tempered glass, and refractory manufacturer and distributor for the territory of the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia. SZR "ROMIKS" regularly supplies over tempered and vatrostalnim glass and glass disks manufacturers and salespeople white-techniques, manufacturers of boilers, heaters, process engineering, whole-sale centers, etc.   Special attention is paid to the constant and systematic training and doškolovavanju of existing staff, which is imposed and specificity and sensitivity to special activities and in relation to glass, and high technical and technological level of the Organization and functioning of labour companies (electronics, technical AIDS, permanent education, etc) provides optimal business effects.   SZR "ROMIKS", in accordance with the policy of quality and environmental protection policy, included in the project "clean up Serbia". The defined aspects of environment SZR "ROMIKS" controls in all its business processes and belongs to a group of socially responsible companies.


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